That Friday Feeling...

It's been a real bastard of a week... In a good way.

I've been hard at work on some 15mm staff groups for the renaissance period and I just got the first batch finished after 5 days of hard graft - genuinely hard graft.

The end result looks to have been worth it however:

The war machines I covered in my last post, arrived yesterday, and the crew (which I am replacing with T.A.G Renaissance Dwarves) were sold within five minutes for a 66% return, meaning I paid £10 for the 4 war machines. Result!

Wednesday saw me at the hospital to get a consultation with regards to the buggered up vertebra in my neck at C6/7. I need a few more tests but it looks as if it will need to be removed (going in through the front of my neck, and then my neck fused.

This may mean an end to painting.

I clearly have a lot to take into account. It seems that the pain in my neck wasn't the infamous Wing Commander, but something more serious.

And finally, I would like to thank you all for helping me reach my 30,000th view this very day. Whether or not you agree with me on every point (it would be boring if you all did)  I would like to express my sincerest thanks for dropping by now and again.



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