Thoughts On Shows Pt 2984
Two shows into the season, with a third coming along this weekend and I am seriously questioning giving up on a part of the hobby I've enjoyed for nearly 45 years. Now, for fear of sounding like a grumpy old man - which of course, I am - it's time that the old guard came out of retirement/hiding and put a thistle up the arse of the show circuit. 'Show' - the thing is, that these days, with a few exceptions there is little on show. When I think back to my first proper show at age 13, there was a genuine sense of excitement and wonder when you walked into the main hall. Remember that this was time before static grass, speed paints and for the most part, any paints which were not oil based, the standard and scope of the games were fantastic. Fantasy and sci-fi games were colourful imaginative affairs, sometimes on terrain on par with model railways in terms of skill and attention to detail. Hostorical games- anyone remember the stunning 15mm 7YW Falkenberg game put on by I...