Rants & Drugs & Rock 'N' Roll
It's been ages since I had the time to sit and type something for this blog, due to the demands of work and things like that. My 54mm armies are growing steadily, with the Indian being the smaller of the two, still. Apart from that, my actual gaming activity has been zero. However, I've been mulling over a few things including the pointlessly contentious issue of non-PC figures. I have been following a few threads on the web, where companies are being lambasted for producing scantily clad or over-endowed miniatures. To me this is not even an issue, nor has it ever been, because these miniatures are invariably fantasy subjects, you know, sword and sorcery and the like, a genre which historically stems from pulp and imaginative stories. Semi nude figures? Unfeasibly large breasts? Unrealistic armour? Burn the heretics! Well, bollocks to that. Look, a lot of this shock is as fake as Dolly Parton's tits... People who I see and hear saying how off colour such...