'Misogynist' NOUN A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. Now, I remember the days when women in wargames were frowned upon, discouraged and god forbid, should they PLAY a 'proper' wargame, ridiculed. In the 80s I saw the sprouting of the first green shoots of what was in my opinion a betterment of the hobby, as a generation of women spurned traditional gender stereotyping, took an interest in the hobby (usually but not exclusively because a partner or family member was a gamer) and got stuck in with a vengeance, bringing a whole new facet to the hobby. And thus it has been, with the daughters of those gamer couples (as my own daughter has done) making their mark on the hobby and adding more branches to the wargames family tree, which frankly at one time resembled a garden cane. And so this week I was affronted somewhat when my wife (a VERY tolerant and level headed woman indeed) remarked that she was pretty bl...