Down In The Streets, The Devil Is In The Detail...

The city project is really snagging me.

The buildings I purchased yesterday were all aimed at being downtown commercial and residential, and I'd like to share my choices with you...

These models are all from TT Combat, and many have interior fittings and details. The comic store is also produced as a wargames store, so of course I had to buy both. The pack of additional arcade machines also grabbed me, as I made my way to the checkout.

I then found a nice little range on the Warbles site, and thus I then purchased:

The tyre company will actually become an independent car dealership, whilst the supermarket will be presented as the classic Jewish or Italian 'Mom & Pop' delicatessen, akin to those in the Richard Scarry children's books, with pickle barrels and the like.

I ordered a mat from Cigar Box Battles through their U.K stockist today, only to find that the shipping from the U.S would be 3-4 weeks, let alone getting it here in the U.K, which was a shame.

So, it was back to the drawing board and a visit to Tinywargames, who had a nice 'Chicago' mat...

I wanted less greenery, and a quick email to Richard at TW, resulted in the Chicago mate being made available for me thus:

Which was absolutely perfect and priced at £61 including postage, which came in at £15 less than the Cigar Box mat.

I can really envisage how this is going to look with building and street fittings, let alone models, and it's rather exciting.

My wife has decided that she is going to paint the buildings and I have decided that every building is to be furnished internally to create a fully interactive and immersive game world, which will change as the eras we game, change.

I am also planning buildings and mats to enable a downtown warehousing district and a more uptown area with more green space and larger civic buildings, so there's a lot for me to get my teeth into and many stories to be told with the aid of friends, figures and dice.

I'm approaching it as I would a model railroad project, and I hope that the detail I can achieve enhances the suspension of disbelief at a visual level.

But, there's a lot to do before the heavy detailing can be undertaken, and of course, I'll share my progress with you as the project picks up steam.



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