As a kid I always liked the Essex Miniatures fantasy ranges. I also loved their Amazon range, which had two ranges of models. The Q prefixed codes were Bob Olley sculpts and were pug ugly castings, but I always had a penchant for the FAN prefixes which were wonderfully large ladies in all respects, but beautifully sculpted and wonderfully outrageous. So, having hmmmm'd and ahhh'd for a while I ordered myself a nice army of a restrained 174 pieces. Sorceress General Officers for heavy units Bodyguard and officers for pike units Heavy infantry Sub general Skirmisher units Pike units The army will comprise a general, sub-general and sorceress, 1 Bodyguard unit, 3 heavy armoured units, 6 pike blocks and 3 units of skirmishers. At a later date I may add a unit of male slave troops and perhaps some Indian or Burmese Maiden Guard as mercenaries. It will call for warm lustrous flesh tones and gloss varnish, I think. My old friend ...