
Showing posts from April, 2019

Satanic Panic Miniatures 'Great Gnoll' Infantry Kickstarter Ends In 16 Hours -

The Kickstarter ends on Tuesday 30th April at 12 Midday BST

With Less Than 7 Days Left Of The Satanic Panic Kickstarter, A Wizard Is Spotted

As we approach the end of the Satanic Panic Miniatures Kickstarter, Martin Buck has today sent me the concept for the Great Wizard which he's currently sculpting and which will be launched with the Kickstarter if the pledges hit the required target. I'm really pleased with how he looks...

Of Warrior Women

Well, that's my 6 day holiday over... I've had a pretty good time, all told with a really fun packed Friday and Saturday interspersed with getting the first unit of my Essex Miniatures Amazons completed in two sittings. This is a new sensation for me because I enjoyed painting something, and it was for me... It's been a decade at least I think since I completed a unit for myself. They are for massed battles so I did not get too tricksy with them, but I am very pleased with the overall result:

Here Come The Girls...

The first of my old school Essex Miniatures Amazons is completed.. . Bunty Ravenbush is finished. Just 173 more to go! I'm not spending long on each figure, because they are a massed ranks army. I'm satisfied that this standard will look OK in units. I spend my days doing top end paintwork, so this is a rather refreshing way to paint.
Martin Buck has been working hard over the last week, and has sent me the W.I.P shot of the special badge which will only be available to Kickstarter backers with a physical reward level pledge or to those who go above and beyond in helping Satanic Panic Miniatures with such things as painting, promotion or display games. Anyway, it is going to be a very rare little piece and I think it really resounds with old school goodness, redolent of the old Citadel badges of the 80s.

A New Old School Project...

As a kid I always liked the Essex Miniatures fantasy ranges. I also loved their Amazon range, which had two ranges of models. The Q prefixed codes were Bob Olley sculpts and were pug ugly castings, but I always had a penchant for the FAN prefixes which were wonderfully large ladies in all respects, but beautifully sculpted and wonderfully outrageous. So, having hmmmm'd and ahhh'd for a while I ordered myself a nice army of a restrained 174 pieces. Sorceress General Officers for heavy units Bodyguard and officers for pike units Heavy infantry Sub general Skirmisher units Pike units The army will comprise a general, sub-general and sorceress, 1 Bodyguard unit, 3 heavy armoured units, 6 pike blocks and 3 units of skirmishers. At a later date I may add a unit of male slave troops and perhaps some Indian or Burmese Maiden Guard as mercenaries. It will call for warm lustrous flesh tones and gloss varnish, I think. My old friend ...

Great Gnolls Funding At 142%

The Great Gnolls are doing well with 142% funding and over 20 days left. New pledge levels have being added and there's lots of pics and background in the updates. You can track how the Great Gnoll Kickstarter is trending, here: You can also link directly to the campaign if you want to pledge, from the same place.


Thank you all from the very bottom of my heart. No matter how much you pledged, you've helped me fund this project in less than 23 hours. I think that's awesome. All backers who have made a pledge which has a physical reward will get the Backer's Badge included in their package. You  really won't  see many of these, but I wanted to be able to give something a little more personal to you all as I was aware that I had deliberately kept the concept of free stuff to a limit, concentrating on getting the stuff to you at a good price in a good timescale. After the campaign they will go to those who like Paul Clarke, have really got behind and supported my dreams. Again, thank you. Next you'll see the Great Gnoll cavalry which I have already commissioned and paid for.  But then, we go away from G'Normandy (just for a while) to cover the Eastern Borders of the lands of the Great Wizard and the Steppes where can be found the Hobgoblins. Yes, the third inst...

Great Gnoll Kickstarter Almost Funded In Less Than 24 Hours!

WOW! In just 20 hours, the project is 92% funded. That's awesome, thank you all. Today at midday, I will be launching two more (limited availability) pledge levels.The The Warlord- This an army level pledge which will give you 42 packs of models. I Am The Great Wizard- This will give you 5 of every pack, a whopping 70 packs of figures. There will be 5 Warlord and 1 Great Wizard pledges available. I'll leave you with a pic of some figures that I handed to Paul 'Oakenheart' Clarke on Saturday evening, and which he then had painted and on his table by 11AM Sunday! Great to see Paul using a colour other than green for the flesh. I love this.

The Great Gnolls Kickstarter Is Now Live!