Go Large, Or Go Home...
Heroics & Heroics & Ros British troops for the Falklands, using a mix of old and new sculpts, which, as this illustrates very nicely just how any differences are totally lost during the painting and basing process.
The pictures show 10 companies of Royal Marines, 6 of Parachute Regiment and the various garrison troops on the Islands. All are portrayed at 1:1 ratio.
I am really happy with these and I hope my client will be. The joy of having monthly account clients is that I get to work on some truly massive projects and my clients see their collections grow in real time without the pain of one almighty bill at the end.
The static grass on these models is a custom blend from some of the 2 dozen colours and lengths that I sell under my SNAFU Scenics brand. The mix is designed to convey that strange mix of the moist and dry growth you get on peat and hill, with the odd patch of verdant green, mixed with more muted straw and ginger tones, against a peat substrate.
The tufts and clump foliage are Woodland Scenics and a company I can't remember.
All that remains is to give them a final spray with my silver can of magic, which will remove the reflective properties in the fibres and also make the static grass stand a little.
More details or potential clients can be found at http://www.conflictincolour.com
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