Back Once Again Like The Renegade Master...

Well, it's been 11 days since my last post, mainly due to work and the fact that I've been waiting for large deliveries of ECW models from Bicorne and Empress as well as a couple of ready painted units.

At present I can put together:

108 horse in 12 troops

24 Dragoons including mounts, dismounts and the whole shebang

5 artillery pieces

11 regiments of foot at 28 men per unit

A lot of mounted officers and staff

The main thing now is basing. I'm having an email discussion with Roger regarding this subject as we both want aesthetically pleasing units, but also want to avoid the awfully tightly packed 'bean counter' basing of the 70s and 80s, which also avoiding the damned awful look of the DBM bases which let's face it depicted social distancing, way ahead of the fashion with bloody great elements with 3 models on them.

I thought I had it yesterday, but after being awake since 04:12AM, I have mulled and reconsidered and I think I have a better idea, which I've sent over to Rog' for his consideration.

He'll roll his eyes I am sure at my missive as is his way, but that is one of the things which has always been a hallmark of a debate or conversation with my friend.

I did paint a couple of commanders at the weekend, and although they are not yet based, here they are:

The riders are Trent Miniatures Royalist personalities repurposed to serve a plenipotentiaries for Parliament, whilst the serving boys are Bicorne. At the moment they are part way through basing in my studio, with the basic groundwork and debris added and awaiting painting.

Right, I better go and start what is to be a long day in the studio.

In the meantime, my latest Kickstarter for 28mm multi-part Hobgoblins in the 'classic' style is over 150% funded in a little over 10 days.

Take a look at it here:



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