Getting There Fast...

 Well, the Coronation weekend, with it's 3 day holiday has been of great use to me. 

I confess that I was somewhat frazzled, having pretty much worked all of April without a break, and stuff had been arriving here, and filling the dining room, my games room, and the kitchen, straining even the normally understanding personality of the memsahib. A pile of figures destined to be re-based, varnished and recruited as fantasy human units were al over what bit of space I had up in the studio. Even the Serenity Flats western display game, was still spread out all over the games room along with 500 Grenadier Miniatures Orcs and 19 units of ECW cavalry - enough was enough!

So, Saturday morning I was up bright and early, sticking 300 or so ECW infantry to bases for the memsahib to get stuck into, spraying all the pike for those units and cutting, mounting and lining in, flags for 12 regiments.

I also got the Serenity collection stowed away, got the ECW cavalry onto shelves, ordered the Orcs and rounded off by getting the hoover with the pet hair tool (a handy little tip) to the teddy bear fur mat. 75 square feet of teddy bear fur is quite a chore to hoover, but it does keep it looking tip top

Yesterday was spent out in the countryside and visiting the David Mellor cutlery factory, where, I was taken by a rather wonderful gherkin knife. I allowed myself an hour or two polishing the edges on the ZAPP! - Thou Art Slain fantasy rules I've been working on, but that was it, gaming wise.

Today, I've based 60 Ottoman infantry unwrapped about 120 more and done the requisite remedial repairs and heavy varnishing, but I have still got 450 Ottomans to unpack, with 100 more in the post as we speak.

I'm planning games for the Spring Bank holiday weekend and Christmas, but I am also trying to work out where I will be putting the 1200 Dixons Samurai  (currently with the painter) etc and 750+ Ottomans.

Thankfully, things are rapidly getting to the stage where I will have all I need/want, apart from maybe having 50-100 painted every month, to increase my fantasy collection.

I also have 60 skirmish models for the ECW, awaiting basing, and so I've been looking at my Once Upon A Time In The West Country rules by Pete Berry which despite negative whining by John Curry, give a brilliant game and are full of memories for me. Indeed, my set of rules was given to me by Chris Gilbride, one half of the double act, made complete by the late Pete 'Greblord' Armstrong who made me the fine, well balanced man I am today by teaching the 14 years-old me, the finer and painful arts of destroying someone with sarcasm.

I respect very few people, but Chris is up there with the best of them.

I remember Pete Berry telling his assistant manager, way back in the day, about a new set of pike & shot rules he was working on, over the first coffee of the day (which I guess was OUATITWC or File Leader) one morning in Games Workshop, when I was but a shy and callow youth.  

And that got me to thinking on just how much gaming I did, and moreover, that I should get off my arse and do much, much more.

There's been a definite sense of temporal displacement of late, dreams of friends I've not seen in 35 years and clear, piquant memories of my earliest days in the hobby. I intend to fully recapture it. Now, I know many will shake their heads as they read that statement, believing me to be chasing my own tale (no that's not a typo), but it all feels so right, and I am one who's always followed gut feelings, usually with very positive results.

The only thing I can't do is go on one of those all day hikes around Sheffield, from gaming store to gaming store, to model shop, to toy shop to comic shop.

We really had enough stores in the early 80s (and that's not including the newsagents and underground book stores) to fill a 7 hour day with time to take a small lunch break, eating a chip butty (on French stick, obviously) whilst sitting atop one of the multistory car parks with great views out over the city and to the Peak District. If I was feeling like I wanted a bit of time to myself, I'd detach myself from the mob and go to one particular car park, with the day's booty, and look at what I'd bought  earlier in the day or just sit and lose myself in the urban sprawl.

I'd dream of being able to get into the Fountain Precinct (a wonderful 1970s red brick and glass office block with great views over the city) and see yet another view of my city. I've still to do that, but about 20 years ago, I almost took a job in that very building for a company specialising in helping people get UK Right To Remain, but decided to stay on the other side of the fence, processing those claims. 

I still hope that one day, before I die, I'll get to see that view.

I am very focused and motivated with regards to my hobby at present, but I'm still not bothered about shows. It's worrying as I think I have gone to more conventions than any of my peers, over the years. But what is there at a modern show that I can't get online?

I have unfinished business in the 1980s, and through dreams, writing, reading and gaming, I am going to (I believe ) make some kind of discovery which is important to me, soon. I don't know what it will be, but I am certain that there is something.

An acquaintance referred to me as a hoarder the other day, which made me laugh, as there can be few gamers who are more dedicated to the idea of not keeping something you no longer want or use. I am finally, after 43 years, getting to a point where I have the armies I always wanted, and I those I don't yet have are no more than 18 months away, if things proceed as planned.

I'm spending my time with people who want to spend time with me and I'm no longer wasting time on anyone I am not interested in. I just don't see the point with interacting with people I have nothing in common with. It wastes my time and indeed theirs.

I have completely disengaged from anything to do with politics, as that just starts arguments whereby rational people have to be seen to be taking a stand for something that if truth be known, they are not really that bothered about. That said, I am more than happy to game and chat with people who may traditionally be politically my opposite.

You see, friendships are more important than whether I agree with someone's view of the world. Actually, I don't care what they believe, if they are friends.

I grew up in several overlapping circles of gamers, with diverse opinions and attitudes, and let me tell you, that's a fucking toxic environment. It's one of the things I wish I could go back in time and talk to the 13 year old me, about - in straight talking and some would say explicit terms,

I don't even have time for game of who said or did what, or who has more toys. I know what I want, what I like and who I want to spend time with, so what more do I need? My home is large enough (it does need a few upgrades here and there), I live adjacent to a Roman hill fort up a quiet cul de sac and have an outbuilding which exists purely for gaming in. I have a loving and talented wife, 6 dogs and food in the freezer. Life has been generous and good to me.

So, why get involved in nerd politics, or project an image for the sake of those observing me. If someone doesn't like me, they can knock themselves out bitching about me. I'll be in my games room playing with toy soldiers.

Contentment as they say, comes from within, but it's taken me decades to learn that lesson the hard way... So many people I know are constantly distancing themselves from the child they were, and from where I stand, they are denying a part of them which is fundamental to who they are now. You do this at your peril, say I.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have 9 CDs of 80s music to transfer onto my iPod, before enjoying a supper of macaroni cheese whilst watching M.A.S.H



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