What's The Name Of The Game?
Sunday's game wasgreat fun, played with three players and a referee. The Royalist squatters carried the day, but fun was had by all. The locals and sundry Parliamentarian troops led by Master Gropecastle, literally flash mobbed the bridge, but the trained and veteran Royalists defended it with applomb, a flanking move by the Marquis of Fantail was both dashing and lethal. Several lives were lost when both sides attempted to cross the narrow, but deep and heavily silted 'Scruttock Drain', causing the main point of friction to be on the bridge, as you can see. Let the record show, that the first casualty of the day was Goodwife Hempknot, who, following her husband Preacher Hempknot, raised her hastily grabbed musket, aimed, and was shot by a Royalist piquet from over the Scruttock Drain. On Monday, Pete Berry, the author of the rules, kindly addressed a couple of questions we had, as we were playing from the original small press edition rather ...