Sheffield was, until a few years ago the home  of one of the kargest and longest running shows in the UK, until Triples died a death from a combination of poor decision making and the resulting poor footfall after it clashed with a sporting event which closed down many of the roads - with the expected results.

And then along came Chillcon which was not even locally run, and which started strutting around like a Liverpool 'Bucko' on shore leave with 6 months pay in his breeches. 

Last year we saw a glimmer of hope with Steel Warriors, organised not by Sheffield Wargames Society but by 3 of the SWS members who had been responsible for the rise and fall of Triples (let's concentrate on the 'rise' part of that statement, because many in the trade focussed on the latter part which I am sure as an impassive observer, knocked a lot of wind out of the sails of the Steel Warriors show. 

Now, it seems that a booking agent has taken over the Ecclesefield school gym, used for the Chillcon event and they are so I read, not very proactive.

Alas, Steel Warriors is not taking place in 2024, so we will either see that show wither and die, or once again miss the boat, creating the same result as the loss of the original Sheffield show.

Let me put my cards on the table, I would have picked up the baton myself, but I had to decide whether to get £20K of essential improvement work completed on my home, or throw my hat in the ring with regards to shows. For once, I had to go with the 'real' world rather than the imaginary...

Look, Sheffield has access what was arguably the best and most organised bring & buy team of the last 35 years, with a reputation for dealing with all the insider dealing and shenannigans that plagued the Northern show circuit.

Sheffield has a proud history of being second only to Nottingham historically for gaming related businesses and talent and has had a lot of shops in the last 50 years which played their part in prmoting the hobby and an experience base which fed into Sheffield Wargames Society and thereby into Triples.

If people would get over their petty rivalrries and ego problems, I am certain that Sheffield could once again have a vibrant and relevant show again, which could be passed on to a new generation which I know exists.

So, come on gamers of Sheffield, bury your fucking hatchets in the door frames and start doing something that does justice to the passion and dedication that this city has for wargaming and roleplaying. We are not getting younger, but neither have we collectively checked out yet.

Be it Triples or Steel Warriors, this city has more than enough experience and home grown talent to do something brilliant again...



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