It was a sad day yesterday, with the funeral of the late Steve Roberts. 

Even sadder was the attitude of some of my former friends and gamers after the service, at the wake which followed. I'd reluctantly decided to go to it for an hour or so, after paying my respects to man who - despite  he furore following comments I'd made privately about Sheffield Triples - demanded and got my eternal respect. He was a big man in every way, surrounded by smaller and pettier men.

The memsahib and I arrived at the wake and were invited to join two of the newer (30 years or so ) members, and a 'senior' member, who upon finishing his drink, ordered another and went and sat with a group of similar hardcore 'Party Members' after ignoring us for half an hour.

And this folks, is the attitude - or one of them - which screwed up a great show, a fantastic club and some great friendships. Of course, my pointing out a few glaring issues, didn't help, but if those issues didn't exist, I'd not have been prompted to...

Thankfully, I'd expected this.

We did however, enjoy the company of Mick Rothenburg and Lloyd Powell. Earlier, Mick had given me sage advice not to 'bite'. It wasn't needed, but as usual it was good advice - I didn't.

The three of us later joked that I must have mistakenly put on my shirt with 'UNCLEAN' and a red 'X' on the back.

In fact, whilst I am on my Summer break, I shall be having a couple of shirts printed with exactly this message on the back, to be worn at shows where I know some of these bitter old men with their bitter old opinions will be in attendance. Let's see if they get it.


No need to get one printed as I can actually get one already done:


If you see me wearing this at a show, wander over and say 'hi', or feel free to sneer, as seems to be the fashion in the Steel City.

Anyway, I had a pretty rough night, and during those 8 long hours, I have mulled over ways to bring this whole sordid situation to an end. The only way seems to be do so head on and 'call out' those who are happy to point a finger, but never towards a mirror, as I myself have done.

Next year is I think the tenth anniversary of the Triples That Killed Triples, and whilst Chillcon returns to a new venue, it looks as if Triples has been buried at the crossroads, staked through the heart. This is a shame... But don't blame me, blame those who treated it as a 'done deal' and ignored the fact that the marketplace was changing.

To those who were the friends I have always considered them to be - Thank you. To the rest of you miserable buggers - 'THRRRRRRRRRP!'


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