
Showing posts from January, 2025

So, What's Next?

 Well, my blog has already had over 16500 hits this month. I know I have a bit of criticism for the ads, but if I turn thenm of now I lose the £44 I have amassed. So, do me a favour and click on some ads. When it reaches £60 I can draw it down to my account and then - I promise - I will turn advertising off forever, and take the memsahib out for lunch on the proceeds, toasting you all. I promised I'd tell you more about my next acquisition a couple of posts ago, and so, now that a deal has been agreed, I can reveal that the wonderful old school ECW collection amassed and curated by veteran wargamer Robbie Roddis, is coming to live with me here at the Dark Tower as I become the next custodian of it, until I pass it along as I get closer to the long darkness of the eternal dice box. Robbie runs the excellent Independent Wargames Group blog here: Photo credit: Independent Wargames Group I had, as you know, sworn off ECW and been 'clea...

Oldesthammer - Get The Fu*k Off Our Lawns! I Blame Dipping Solution And Bad Parenting....

I have been in reflective mood this week, as my plan to wind down gaming acquisitions in 2025 is almost at it's zenith. It occurs to me that it's ancient history and forgotten, that Sheffield was probably second only to the Lead Triangle in the early days of the hobby, in terms of manufacturers, clubs and shops. Of course, those who seem to cham[pion what has become Oldhammer are often younger than the figures the so often claim to 'have had them since they were released' causing much mirth from the considerable and somewhat invisible Elder Statesmen of the hobby around here, who really were there at the time and who, like your correspondent have stupendous numbers of untouched 'preslotta' figures, sitting in cellars, tool boxes and gaming rooms, as well as painted. Believe me, the fanatics in this venerable circle were in Games Workshop and the other sundry gaming stores every day - you would have been seen and spoken to, kiddies, we were a gregarious lot back ...

On The Basing Of Swiss...

 I've been browsing the latest Helion & Co Renaissance title on the Swabian War of 1499, with the possibility of collecting forces for this as a prelude or rather a base for a wider early Italian Wars collection. It focusses largely on the Swiss, so if you're looking for indormation on the Imperialist forces, then this is not the book for you. However, it has me reconsidering how Swiss blocks should be based and represented on the field. I've owned several Swiss armies in my time, it being the ideal starting point for a kid interested in the Renaissance, because let's face it, it looks good and will, mostly fuck up the opposition if even moderately competently commanded. Under Gush it was also quite expensive in terms of points, a straightforward list to put together and had a few little quirks which could be turned to a player's advantage. But as usual, I digress... There's an interesting section on Swiss weapons and tactics, in the book, and it makes it qu...

Older IS Better

 It's a busy year already, which is of course a great thing. It does mean however, that I am not updating my blog as often as I might like. Last week, I had a lovely box of delights arrive from Navwar:  I'm really pleased with the whole package, not just because the models are crisp, clean and nicely detailed, but that the whole experience was one which took me back to my youth.  Having to send an order using a proper paper order form, by post and then wait for stuff to arrive (albeit a very short wait indeed) really reminded me of the simple pleasures of expectation and fullfilment, making the process of beginning a new project (or in this case, revisiting one) a real joy. A surprise came later in the week with a visit from painting and modelling legend, Andy Ritson to the Dark Tower atop Fackham Hall. Andy had said he'd drop off a much needed Giant Head, but also brought me a gift in the shape of a scratchbuilt triceratops with converted Dwarf rider, which he had built ...


  I am looking for this head for The Citadel Giant I will pay £60 plus postage costs if you have one

Living In The Moment By Living In The Past, Notes on Naval Gazing, And Getting A Giant Head...

 Of late, I have been going through something of a reappraisal of what I want from gaming.  Increasingly, I think I simply want to escape from reality in that same way I did as a teenager. You may be shaking your head ruuefully at such a folly, but I think you are wrong to doubt this can be achieved. You see, the escape is in your head, it's in the 'vibes' you create when you look at or touch something that really resonates with you. I've been much taken with a thought that the less contact you have with an army, in terms of it's creation/completion, the less attachment and thereby pleasure it will provide. I can buy, use and discard models in a fashion that would give the impression that Cresus lives, but that's far from the truth of it. I just don't form attachments to many physical things, historically, and so I cycle through a lot of stuff, with some of it forming links that are too strong even for my psychopathic tendencies to resist. A prime example ar...

Almost Time To Get Back In The Fields

We have broken through the half a million views on this blog in the last few days. Thats's not bad for the rambling sof a bitter old gamer. THANK YOU ALL! Well, despite last minute flu, I am back in the saddle on Monday, somewhat, if noit totally rested. I've actually considered cutting back my workload, but to be honest, I'd get bored, so the world is stuck with me for a while longer. We pushed our recovery from the damn bug yetserday, and this ended up with the Memsahib collapsing as we entered the restaurant we had booked. Thankfully, the staff were their usual concerned and efficient selves and the memsahib will live to bite another day. They even went so far as to make sopme pretty major changes to their ordering policy to accomodate the poor lady. I doff my hat to you all at The Cavendish, Chatsworth. Long my your lunchtimes prevail! I've been busy shopping over the last few days. This morning, my painted Horus Heresy army arrived, and very nice it is too. Also de...