Almost Time To Get Back In The Fields

We have broken through the half a million views on this blog in the last few days. Thats's not bad for the rambling sof a bitter old gamer. THANK YOU ALL!

Well, despite last minute flu, I am back in the saddle on Monday, somewhat, if noit totally rested.

I've actually considered cutting back my workload, but to be honest, I'd get bored, so the world is stuck with me for a while longer.

We pushed our recovery from the damn bug yetserday, and this ended up with the Memsahib collapsing as we entered the restaurant we had booked. Thankfully, the staff were their usual concerned and efficient selves and the memsahib will live to bite another day. They even went so far as to make sopme pretty major changes to their ordering policy to accomodate the poor lady. I doff my hat to you all at The Cavendish, Chatsworth. Long my your lunchtimes prevail!

I've been busy shopping over the last few days.

This morning, my painted Horus Heresy army arrived, and very nice it is too.

Also delivered were my starship corridors, Kill Team rules and the first of my two Legions Imperialis: Legion Battle Groups. 

I'd already purchased the boxed set and 2 Solar Auxillia BGs earlier in the week, along with several hundred pounds-worth of paint and some army books, in what was a rather demoralising trip to Element Games, here in Sheffield. I'll not go into details, but for the record, I did not lose my temper - a first when faced with inept store staff (remember I owned a games store in the 90s, so I am sensitive to such things).

Such an experience will not happen again, let me just leave that there eh?

(No really, I was surprisingly well behaved, and to the member of staff whose professionalism saved the company almost £800 of sales - I salute you sir! )

I just mailed off an order to Navwar this afternoon. Now, say what you like about modern online shopping, I think the idea of delayed gratification and the need to send a traditional paper-based order in, is splendid. Tantric wargaming (TM) was always the way in days of yore and the sweet anticipation of the arrival of your order was most gratifying.

I ordered a swathe of rule books, together with two ACW naval packs and 4 of the 1/1200th Renaissance galley pack, giving me a total of 8 rule sets and almost 100 ships for £131.

As I covered in my last epistle, I always enjoyed Renaissance galley warfare, and developed a taste for ACW naval warfare, later on, around 1987. Admittedly, it may not be the most photogenic trtype of game, but it is fun. I am painting these myself, and I'm quite looking forward to it, let me tell you.

This year sees the launch of a new 'Oldhammer' event in Sheffield called 'Lead & Steel'. I was quite up for this and even offered to take along a 12x5 display/participation game, having as I do, probably one of the largest painted collections of pre-slotta mass battle figures.

Now, this show, could have traded on my name and genuine OH credentials, but seemed less than interested. This means that for now, my collection remains under lock and key here at Fackham Hall, only seen by those I invite to the game days.

Now, forgive me if I am out of touch here, but in the 44 or so years of gaming I have under my belt and the experience in organising and attending shows, it seems a a bad idea to turn down the offer of what would be a guaranteed crowd pleaser. 300+ Wolf Riders anyone? 10 Orc Wyverns? 2000+ Orcs and Goblins?

Nope, not interested apparently.

Obviously, the organisers want to seem to be the most Oldhammer game in town... Well, little ones, perhaps when I and a few more local 'faces' die, you'll get your chance, but I think you don't understand how pivotal the Steel City was in the early days of gaming. You probably don't care, but ignore that history, that knowledge base and that swathe of 'faces' at your own risk.

Those are people who exist in many wargaming circles, with great connections which you could tap.

I only offer my services one. After that, you can ask me...

Perhaps the very generation which gave the kids 'Oldhammer' isn't fucking cool enough.

It may be time to get the band back together and put on an old school show...

And so, if you will excuse me, I feel the need for Kung Pao chicken and an alcohol free beverage, ahead of the delivery of a new streaming hi-fi seperates system in the morning. I'm so exited I could hand cast a Prince August skeleton!

TTFN and Splundig Vur Thrigg


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