A Saving Throw For The Soul...
2014, has on balance, been a really awful year. True, I have acquired a few nice armies, but as many of you will know, due to my personal opinions, I have had a rough year with regards to acquaintances and friendships. Some have been irrevocably sundered, it appears. Anyway all this has had me suffering some really severe mood swings, to the extent that my G.P decided that it was time to see a consultant with regards to getting some cognitive behavioral therapy. Oh the joy; what with dealing with the effects of pretty bad arthritis in my hands (yeah, I know, I'm a full time painter, etc, etc) and this, I'm generally a pretty unhappy bunny. Today has seen consecutive visits to three hospitals, starting with a hydrotherapy session at the first venue. Let me tell, you that an hour in a pool leaves you knackered when you spend it doing various exercises that would be a doddle on land. On the upside - nurses in swimsuits! Thence it was a quick trip 5 miles across town to ven...