14 Months And 15 Days To Go, And All Is Looking Good...

Friends, both old and new were somewhat sceptical when I announced a couple of months ago, that after my 50th birthday, I would be making no further large purchases of wargaming stuff and that I had a pretty finite list of wants - considered the least plausible of my proclamations.

But with 14 months and 15 days until that historic day, I can say that at this time I am well ahead of schedule.

As I type, I am only short of:

6mm sci-fi
28mm Cape Wars
6mm or 15mm Dark Ages

I aim to have them all purchased by that date and indeed all painted and playable with the exception of the Cape Wars which, is to be my last grand gesture of artistic prowess and one which I hope will proved a suitably elegant swan song.

Fingers crossed, I'll probably have all but the Cape Wars completed by the end of 2017.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go and dress myself as a Death Eater and get myself frisked by security, under the watchful (and very welcome eyes) of police firearms officers at South Yorkshire Cosplay Con.



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