
Showing posts from February, 2020

Thoughts, Memories, Confusion & A Little Rage

I really have lived a life shaped by gaming. Sometimes, I wish that I had never walked into Hopkinson's Toys here in Sheffield, in 1980 and purchased that first pack of Citadel Dwarves for the princely sum of 75p. Had I not done that, I may have simply been an average 'normal' kid, bullied, wearing the youth uniform du jours and listening to inane and uninspiring music. I would have been content to go with the flow, pass my exams and possibly make something of myself. Instead by age 13 I was a lost cause. I coasted through school and did OK, but my reason for existing became gaming, fantasy worlds, history and the general sense that I was not really made for this grey and drab world. Instead of of blending in, I stuck out. I was awkward in company, became separated from my school mates and indeed by 15 I had absolutely no friends in my local area, because frankly they bored the bollocks off me. They were so mundane, with their Stay Pressed trousers, Doc Martens and ob...

Lesser Goblins From Satanic Panic Miniatures, Now Live On Kickstarter

Image Less than a week and already at the half way point of funding. Grab some great value minis and help keep the old school gaming  aesthetic alive!

And now a word from our sponsors...




Pictures, Pictures - Never Been Two More Delightful Pictures

Today I took ownership and delivery of two paintings from 1989 by the creator and owner of Otherworld Artefacts. They are lovely, painted in acrylics on board. First up is 'The Mushroom Path' Second up is 'The Kite Flyers' Both will be off to be framed, but it won't be cheap as they are large pieces. Needless to say however, that I am really pleased to be the new curator of them. Nothing else to report other than the sinister arrival this week of a box of 54mm Woodland Indians, which is Roger's equivalent of a horse'd head in your bed. I want to do FIW, he wants to do it in 54mm, so I received the 'warning gift'. It was a genuinely lovely little surprise, doubly so, because I've had quite a nasty little virus for the last ten days, and what's more, it was effective because now I am in agreement regarding the scale. My wife stood there and laughed, because she is never knew Roger and I back in the day and she's st...

Raises! Skitter, Skitter, Run-Run, KILL!

As many of you know, I have a truly enormous Undead army for 1st - 3rd ed including 250+ from the collection of the late Joe Dever. Now, I don't play points based games and so finding opponents for 700-800 Undead has been a problem for me, in terms of my finding another army to buy, which could face it. So, although it was later models than I normally like, I bought a 400 piece Skaven army with the added bonus that it's fully painted too - I paint for a living, so painting anything for myself is not going to happen. Well, I finally sorted the new Skaven army out of the GW carry cases it arrived in (jesus, do I hate those things) and onto their movement trays. It's an impressive and very good looking army. The base edges are going to be painted black and a good matte varnish applied, as is normal for me, but I have to say that I am very happy indeed. The army looks 'right', with brigades from assorted clans as well as a large mas...