Thoughts, Memories, Confusion & A Little Rage
I really have lived a life shaped by gaming. Sometimes, I wish that I had never walked into Hopkinson's Toys here in Sheffield, in 1980 and purchased that first pack of Citadel Dwarves for the princely sum of 75p. Had I not done that, I may have simply been an average 'normal' kid, bullied, wearing the youth uniform du jours and listening to inane and uninspiring music. I would have been content to go with the flow, pass my exams and possibly make something of myself. Instead by age 13 I was a lost cause. I coasted through school and did OK, but my reason for existing became gaming, fantasy worlds, history and the general sense that I was not really made for this grey and drab world. Instead of of blending in, I stuck out. I was awkward in company, became separated from my school mates and indeed by 15 I had absolutely no friends in my local area, because frankly they bored the bollocks off me. They were so mundane, with their Stay Pressed trousers, Doc Martens and ob...