Another Year & A New Project

Well, I've hit the ground running for 2021, with a firm plan for the year.

I spent the last few days putting together armies based around the Swordpoint lists, which I've not played yet, but the basing sizes suit my aesthetic sensibilities, so that's a great start :-)

For the Mongols I'll be using the Wargames Elite 28mm range of course


Assorted officers
2 x 12 Guard
3 x 12 Heavy
1 x 16 Mangudai Scouts
2 x 12 Garachu 
6 x 8 Garachu in skirmish order

The Mongols are organised with the Mangudai out front, Heavies in the centre behind them with Garachu to either side, the Guards at the rear. The Garachu skirmishers are on the wings to envelop 

For the Russians, I went with Gripping Beast and an eye-watering butchers bill. That said they are sculpted by Rob Baker whom I hold in extremely high esteem.


Assorted officers
3 x 16 Senior Druzhina
4 x 12 Junior Druzhina
4 x 12 Steppe Cavalry
3 x 10 Crossbow infantry in skirmish order

The Russians are based post-invasion when they used less infantry, having learned that they got cut up, and at the point that they found that Mongols feared the crossbow. Senior Druzhina front and centre, Juniors behind and the Steppe cavalry on the flank. The crossbow, just lurk around annoyingly.

Although as you know, I am a full time painter, I never paint my own armies, because frankly if I am not being paid, I feel like I am wasting my efforts and besides, (Covid-19 house arrest notwithstanding) I like my weekends. 

With the above in mind, I've already put my painter of choice on notice.

As it stands, that's my entire plans for the year, and I'm pretty comfortable with that as it gives two forces which are large enough for a display game and for smaller social games with a goodly amount of variety.

That said, I do paint the odd piece of equipment or command stands and over my Christmas break, I painted a few bits which I need to complete my 28mm New Model Army, although there are about half a dozen more command stands, a nightmare of a packhorse train and a light gun yet to be tackled.

I painted 3 Foundry wagons, a rather witty vignette of a Puritan preacher and a similarly light hearted command base with two officers debating the virtues of their canine companions:

'Begod sir, an Aberdeen Terrier you say? I thought it was a rat!'

'At least my hound looketh not like a sheep, dear sir..."

I'm pleased with them, although as I have also stated previously, I don't paint my own stuff to the standard reserved for clients. Attractive, neat and battle ready are my watch words.

And so, that's it for the present. I have 2 days of my Christmas break left and I intend to spend them relaxing with copies of 'Living North' and 'Yorkshire Life' with perhaps a dip or two into a Runequest rulebook.

A very happy new year to you all!



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