
Showing posts from March, 2021

Afghan And Done It...

 Well, the final project for 2021 was initiated yesterday, namely the 2nd Afghan War in of course, 28mm. I'll be starting off with Perry Miniatures and adding a few units of Wargames Foundry along the way. The initial tranche is around 800 pieces comprising: 360 Afghan tribesmen 60 Afghan tribal cavalry 1 Tribal gun 90 Afghan Regular infantry 2 Afghan regular guns 90 British regulars 90 Indian army regulars 24 cavalry 3 guns I've ordered a set of terrain boards from Last Valley (although I am still waiting on my european boards) and I ordered half a dozen Renedra Afghan buildings and accessory sprues. which will keep the Memsahib busy over the winter (not that she needs it with 800 of her own ECW on her desk) My plan then is to have a yearly splurge at the end of each gaming year, whereby, anything I have left on October 31st (my traditional end to the campaigning season) will be spent on increasing either my ECW, Carlists or NWF as I see fit. This means that I am not tying dow...

An Odd Week, Oddly Matched Forces, Odd purchases And Odd Basing Conventions

 It's been a 'bit of a week' I managed to irritate the back injusry I sustained when a chair malfunctioned 10 years ago at Sheffield Triples, which left me in absolute agony for several days and is still causing me to move somewhat gingerly. Then, the brand new Dormeo mattress we forked out good money for in December, became the source of musculoskeletal pain which had me in tears. I tell you, they should stick to making pasta sauces. Anyway, that was remedied with the purchase of another £400 worth of matress from Airsprung, which is two days into it's service and is doing me a world of good already. As you may recall, I was having a lot of issues following the passing of my father in November. The probate was published yesterday and my younger brother who is to say the least workshy bagged a coll £42,000 whilst my sister and I were not even mentioned in the will itself. Well, good luck to him, because given the choice between solid friendships and money, I'd take ...

Musings On The Stupidity Of Youth, That Damned Podcast And Project X Revealed Amidst Secrecy And Subterfuge.

You know, it doesn't seem like two minutes since I was roaming the streets of Sheffield with friends almost totally drawn from the world of gaming. But by criminny, it's been 40 years now... I have contact with one friend from school (mind you I was never gregarious) and probably half a dozen friends I would trust with my wallet, decreasing to three I'd confide in and one I'd trust with abolutely anything.  Those half a dozen all came from gaming. There would have ideally been more people I was still in contact with and indeed I'd like there to be, but you see, I am a rather black and white person. Cross me in earnest and that's it, you don't exist beyond a passing hello at a show or in a store, and if we were pretty close at some point, perhap a brief message at Christmas.   I'm not proud of this, but it became my coping mechanism in my late teens and early twenties. I have found that roleplayers in particular can be a bitchy breed - I cannot begin to e...