An Odd Week, Oddly Matched Forces, Odd purchases And Odd Basing Conventions
It's been a 'bit of a week'
I managed to irritate the back injusry I sustained when a chair malfunctioned 10 years ago at Sheffield Triples, which left me in absolute agony for several days and is still causing me to move somewhat gingerly.
Then, the brand new Dormeo mattress we forked out good money for in December, became the source of musculoskeletal pain which had me in tears. I tell you, they should stick to making pasta sauces. Anyway, that was remedied with the purchase of another £400 worth of matress from Airsprung, which is two days into it's service and is doing me a world of good already.
As you may recall, I was having a lot of issues following the passing of my father in November. The probate was published yesterday and my younger brother who is to say the least workshy bagged a coll £42,000 whilst my sister and I were not even mentioned in the will itself. Well, good luck to him, because given the choice between solid friendships and money, I'd take the former.
In one of my darker moments yesterday I quipped that I should look for a victorian chamber pot and bequeath it to him, so that at least I'll leave him a pot to piss in. OK, it may seem harsh, but it's dark humour like that which prevents me crashing into depression - been there, done that. At the end of the day, I work hard and play hard and have to tug the forelock to nobody, so it's all good I guess. Moreover I have a wife like no other, who gave me a daughter who gave me three grandsons - Reasons all, to live and thrive.
I've been hard at work on 6mm commissions all week, and as I type, I've just completed prepping a load of fleet scale Battlestar Galactica models ready for Monday morning.
Hobby-wise, I have been looking out for the odd old school RPG or figures, as well as mulling over a few things. These things are not planned projects, but rather aesthetic questions and musings of how I will proceed in future with army buildings and chosen periods.
As you know, I have a considerable ECW collection which historically faced off agains generally similar oponents. True, the proportions of the various arms give a lot of flexibility and the gameplay is something I never tire of, but as I am also working on a few other things, it's become apparent how many periods use essentially identical forces. So, I decided that where I can in future, I'll try to collect forces where there's less symetry, but not to the point where you get Zulu War type battles. No, I mean where there are larger numbers, units of simply more varied troops on each side. As I said, I've no real plans on where to go (starting 2022 - I've spent enough this year) but having a starting point can make you consider collectings stuff you may not otherwise bother with.
I'm also discussing with friends and aquiantances, the merits of different basing formats. Do we need precise figure numbers of is the element size more important than a head count. After all, a base which represents 6 figures will do exactly the same thing mechanically, as the same base footprint with 5 more artistically posed models. The actual head count becomes irrelevant, but the dynamic posing on the base gives an aesthetic pleasure and gives the unit a character or identity.
I have often found that when I have depicted 'last stand' themed units, they have generally performed sterling and stalwart service, and I've grown fond of them whist they remained in my employ.
Oddly, as I have just been discussing with Roger, less figures in dynamic poses can actually create an illusion of larger units, with a few creative flourishes. 300 models can easily depict 360.
Actually, I remember that I did a 28mm Zulu force for a client about 11 years ago, which used 7 figures on a ten figure base and had them leapiing of walls and barricades, or weaving through tall grass. I'd actually forgotten that, probably because I have a natural aversion to that particular era. Yes, I've tried it, but every bloody game is a last stand of sorts.
Well, that's about it for this instalment.
I noted last night that the Top Of The Pops 'Story of the 1980s' series as well as The 1980s with Dominic Sandbrook were back on the BBC. Accordingly, both are now set to record in future. Yeah I know I'm obsessed, but it's good clean obsession withouth the spilling of blood, bodily fluids or fights in the street after the clubs close...
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