The British Are Coming

 That was a hectic week at work, clocking up 41 hours at my painting desk in 4 days, whilst in a lot of pain from my trapezium, which I've somehow injured and which, is making me extremely short tempered at present as no pain relief is working. 

Yesterday I received some pics of my British & Empire forces for the 2nd Anglo-Afghan War, from my painter.

I should have them with me this coming week, so it's just a case of getting them varnished, based and flags added.

I'll be adding a limber for the horse artilery as well as two more units of Indian lancers. 

My wife's been busy in what bit of spare time she's had, creating more terrain including a really nice spinney which, will provide a rather attractive area of impassable terain for our European games.

Yesteday, I also began listening to the 2nd volume of the 'Designers & Dragons' series, focussing supposedly on the 80s, but which whilst entertaining, is maybe not 'chewy' enough for the hardcore Grognard such as I. 


It did however get me looking for the first Task Force Games fantasy RPG product - Dungeon Tiles, which being 40 years old, would I supposed, cost the earth and be difficult to find.

2 minutes later and £10 lighter in my war chest, I owned a set:


Tonight, we're off to see Heaven 17 performing the first two Human League albums, after almost 2 yeras of waiting. Hopefully, I'll be able to sit comfortably enough to get through it. We also bagged tickets to see The Human League performing their 'dare' album in December and we have tickets to see Fish in November. It's going to feel odd, being in a public environment again after so long, but you have to take the proverbial bull by the bollocks some time, I guess.

In the meantime, I'm planning the next project in the shape of a hypothetical Falklands War of 1860 using Perry Miniatures from the Triple Alliance and British Intervention Force ranges. I'm hoping that my painter will be able to comence the project in January of 2022.

 And that's about if for this week. 



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