Tiny Problems

 Well, I  am having a right old time in dealing with Tiny Wargames after ordering a bespoke mat and shelling out £87 a month and a half ago.

I'd ordered a mat printed on lino, because, you know me, I like stuff that is durable and heavy duty.

What dropped through my door a month later was an A4 mailing bag with a rather flimsy cloth in it, which was not what I ordered or indeed paid for, including £15 postage!

Well the offered to get it printed or issue a refund, and I selected a refund.

Eventually, they have refunded £72 and decided not to refund the £15 for the shipping, despite sending the wrong item and charging me significantly more for doing so.

It's been a hassle all the way, and I've crossed the Rubicon of patience now, since they decided to block my email address.

To cap it off they sent some 'after the fact' email notifications stating that I had changed my mind, and that they had produced the correct mat and I had refused it. Unfortunately, I keep emails for a very, very long time, and I was able to send them copies of all their correspondence.

It's bloody annoying, and I don't believe for a minute that they will sort it out. What is more annoying was that I was planning on 5 more lino mats for the games room, but once bitten and all that.


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