A Brief Chance To Catch Breath...

 Hi all,

Well, there seem to be a lot of 'real time' threads online about Vapnartak being a bit shoddy, and some are from well known hobby veterans...

It makes me very happy that I decided not to go. Instead I have spent the day sticking down hundreds of 28mm ECW.

 I now have all of my Covenanters stuck down, glossed, matted and ready for the scenic bit.
All Perry metals, apart from the three frame guns and crew, the two large artillery pieces and two gunners.

 I also managed to repair and double varnish the Space Marines I bought online, last weekend:

I also had a terrible attack of retro-game-love and decided that I should get back into Battletech. I confess that I went just a little wild and ordered 17 Lances/Stars of Mechs and a couple of rule sets, and no I feel no remorse or the need to apologise for such a splurge.

On Friday, I had another retro-outburst when I saw 115 painted Silent Death miniatures along with a number of rulebooks for the paltry sum of £115:

My next big project is 28mm Biblical armies in the form of the entire WRG lists for New Kingdom Egyptians and Libyans. I have always wanted a Libyan army, because let's face it, 500 unarmoured, unshielded javelinmen will look amazing on a large table.
Well, the day is closing, and I need to go and have a coffee and do a little reading, having been at the same desk I work at every day, since 9.30AM.



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