
 Hi all,

Well, this weather is a little rough, even by the phlegmatic and understated standards of Yorkshire. If it carries on. we may need to consider wearing coats when we leave the house.

The good news is the roof of the wargames room is still intact, so my builders appear to have used all the parts in the box!

This weekend, we hunkered down here at Fackham Hall, the Memsahib spent her time painting more of her 28mm ECW Royalists, whilst I got the pike, lances and standards fixed on my 28mm Covenanters:

On Sunday, I was determined to not go in my studio, nor touch anything involving physical figures. So instead, I spent my time in an armchair with army lists and portable I.T, sipping coffee.

And that's where it all went Pete Tong - in a good way...

I used a really basic search on a well known internet auction site and as I scroled, I came across a 380 piece, 28mm Aztec army, made up from The Assault Group castings.

Now, for over 4 decades, I have fancied some South American clubbing fun, but I have never felt so suicidal that I'd paint it, and in fact they are one of the few things that I will not take on from clients. Simply put, my life's too short for that.

Anyway, I contacted the seller and a deal was done which was very reasonable indeed, and so I now have that bucket list item, ticked off:

I'm sure you'll agee that it's a pretty fine looking collection.

Well, it's Monday morning and I have to crack on with some work, and listen to the latest Yarkshire Gmer's Podcast. So if you will excuse me, I'll leave you to froth gently over the pics above...



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