Mercury Rising...

 Ah fickle Fate...

We wargamers are fickle and mercurial at the best of times, and it's my time to bear witness to it. You may recall I'd agreed the purchase of that rather pretty Swiss army the other day?

Well, I paid the balance last night - 4 figures, so nothing to be sniffed at. An hour later as I slumbered, the seller decided that although it was already half packed for shipping he didn't want to post it, but to deliver it to a show I will probably not be attending and that the Paypal payment should have been 'Friends & Family' or cash in hand. Thus aparently I will be refunded this morning , although why he just didn't do it immediately escapes me.

You may expect me to have a rant or at the very least have a small outburst, but truth be told, I am actually having a bit of a chuckle. After all, the refund will cost him the Paypal fees, and from my point of view it's just a case of orderong the bare metal from probably Perry Miniatures, and having them sent to my painter of choice. OK, I wait a couple of months longer, but given that I am aleady committed to 1200 or so wars Of The Roses from the same painter, I am more than happy to help him pay for the swimming pool to go with the penthouse from last years projects.

I think perhaps, that I'm becoming much calmer in my middle years. In the 90s and 2000s I was a bit hot headed. Maybe, now that I am a more settled and contented person, I am finding it easier to laugh at this hobby, with it's characters and oddities. I fear that ambivalence is creeping up on me.

At the end of the day the parry and riposte of transactions of acquisition is all part of that game. 

So, you can expect a showcasing of some wonderfully painted Swiss along with the WOTR in a few months, and in the meantime I shall continue to play, colect and enjoy all the ups and downs of our fine pastime.



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