Here We Go 'Round The Marlborough Bush

 Good morning, good morning...

It's a heavy, heavy week at work and I have been spending 11 hours per day in my studio. It's Wednesday and I am absolutely wiped out. But, it pays the bills and funds the stupidly expensive addiction, I've had for over 40 years.

As some of you may know, the man I consider my best friend or brother from another figure company (TM) lives a fair way from me, so we usually communicate through the day via email. But, for all that, the banter and discussions are just like the days when there was no internet, and bus fares were 2p in Sheffield.

We discuss plans for armies, and over the last few years, we've increasingly gone along the track of each tackling a given period, with both sides. The other may decide to 'buy in', but it means that we actually cover more periods or, as in the latest round of our miniature military escalation, to cover either end of a given era.

One thing that I have noticed, is that whilst we are both gadflies, or butterflies to a degree, it used to be I who supped from too many flowerbeds,.

Now, it is increasingly Roger, which is amusing, as I have had many a lecture from my friend in our youth, most memorably over a Peter Laing WW1 German army I bought, over at Terry Wise's Wargamers Attic.

This week has seen a flurry of purchases. I decided that I'd got to tackle the Marlburian period. Whilst my 7YW was fun, I prefer the more relaxed and long coats of the earlier period. Roer had been a little critical of my selling the 7YW collection, and has been seen recently praying a genuflecting at the tomb of some geezer called Frederick The Great, whilst on the continent.

I made the decision to begin with British and Bavarian forces, and so ordered 30 regts of foot and 16 of horse from Ebor Miniatures, along with some guns. I love red units, and I remember the late Duncan MacFarlane's photos which turned up every now and again on the covers of W.I, showing lovely Bavarian units in that wonderful cornflower blue or dove grey. And the fact that they used lots of cuirasiers, makes them a quite striking army to behold. I have added them to the 1200 WOTR figures currently with my painter, and with that, I am pretty much done for the year, as I'll be basing and homing over 2000 pieces this year.

Oddly, on the same day, Roger went out and bought 700 painted 7YW, ready painted, and so once again as he put it, 'The funny hats are back.'

My wife is working steadily through the pile of Grand Manner buildings we bought at Christmas, and they are looking great. Here's the lates one to roll off of the production line, pre-static grass:


 Well, it's 7 minutes until I have to be at the coal face, so I will sign off here, and wish you a great week, or part thereof.



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