Well, It's Back To Work Time...

 Well, after a long Summer break I'm back at work for the Autumn quarter, feeling refreshed and very much in control of my personal gaming plan.

As I think I previously mentioned, I've decided to rebuild my entire collection over the next 16 months as well as putting the final 'buff' on the scenery collection.

It means no more shopping this year - almost - but on the other hand, the whole project is funded, so it's a case of being patient.

The other day I was in Element Games here in Sheffield, to grab a few pots of paint, and I was 'ambushed' by the window display which contained the Horus Heresy: Age Of Darkness set.

This made me realise that it has been a long while since I have visted the world of Space Marines, and I was weakened by only owning 8 figures at present, and, having been ridiculed by Roger for this state of affairs.

I snapped.

And now I'm waiting for two sets.

And a book.

And no doubt, something else before the week is up.

I confess that I am terrified at the prospect of all those models which will need building, let alone painting. But I will give it my very best and if the God Emperor smiles upon me, I may even complete them without resorting to a paid brush.

This got me to thinking about a generation which has grown up on injection moulded, multi-part figures and constant rules upgrades.

I'm pretty sure that there is more waste from plastic minis, and how many perfectly good, but unloved rulebooks are languishing, never to be used again.

Perhaps the 'big box' games companies could offer a trade-in on old rule books when they produce a new edition, and offer credit vouchers for old sprues by the kilo.

After all, when I was a kid, many a model was recycled into Prince August fantasy regiments. Heck, many a biscuit tin of damaged lead, found it's way from a bring and by to a similar fate, effectively being resurrected to swell the ranks of my home cast undead legions.

Anyway, the clock is ticking and I suppose I better see if I still have the requiste skillsets after almost a month of avoiding my studio.



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