Wargaming & Woolworths

It all began ( a bit like Ronnie Biggs with pencils in Woolworths) when a friend sent me a link to some nice Arthurians. I say friend, but he’s sort of like the bad brother you hear of in fairy tales involving Giants, Dwarves and Elves called 'Crow'.

Anyhow, I saw at the bottom a link to some nice Vikings, thence I found a nice Dark Age Greek army (listed as Sea Peoples, but I am too canny not to know the difference) which you may recall is something I'd planned on having painted at the beginning of 2022, so it's a case of 'out via the in door'.

So I made offers on them both at £200 less than asking price and well, I bagged them at a combined price of £1250. So you see, it wasn’t really my fault at all, but rather the fault of my friend (who shall of course remain cloaked in mystery). That said, he did me a favour when I look at the metal cost alone, and compare that to buying models from Foundry and Redoubt and sending them to a painter.

Of course the Vikings will also do double service in skirmish gaming (although I suppose I’ll need to buy some buildings) and the basing needs finishing on the Greeks - I think it was mid-upgrade to ‘Impetus’ (?) but, all in all it’s a pretty nice haul and if I can find two opposing armies next year on the circuit, I’ll be quite satisfied that I have all I need apart from some Interwar skirmish stuff.
 Anyhow, this is the end of the spend for 2022, and leaves me with credit cards untouched and over 3K ahead of the curve, for the coming 2023 season - which is nice.

2022 has been a great year for acquisitions, and yes, I flipped a few armies to improve the quality and sometimes, quantity of the collection. My painter is working on 700 28mm ECW and 800 28mm Early Samurai, and I am working through my 28mm vintage sci-fi project, so it's all ahead for the coming year.


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