Elemental Mistakes
Well, I popped into Element Games here in Sheffield on Tuesday, to purchase a full set of War Front paints and indeed several more ranges.
I specifically wanted the full set with the storage rack, given that I have a lot of paint on my desk at any time and this makes the job of switching paint systems a lot easier.
So, I asked if they could get me one of the sets from their head office, and was initially given a couple of weak excuses, including:
1. Confusing them with Army Painter ("You mean this? We don't carry that range...")
No I mean fucking 'War Front' by Scale 75 as I said...
2. Telling me they didn't stock the paints
What? You mean you don't stock the paints on the stand over here? - Gesturing to several hundred War Front paints.
3. "They don't like sending us full sets."
What? They don't like to sell product through the stores which (and I speak from personal experience) are a drain on resources? You know, the product which pays your wages you misanthropic simpleton? Get thee back to thy parent's basement.
I swear, were this the 80s, store managers such as Pete Berry would have made mincemeat of this buffoon.
But, here this went all 'Pete Tong' was when I was told that if he could get me one (after confrming there were several at HQ, he would let me know.
I asked when the order would go in, and was told that orders went in on Tuesdays (yayyy! it was Tuesday A.M) and Thursdays, so the next order would be the 29th.
I explained that I am a full time painter and needed my paints (some 600 pots in total) to be 'on line' by the first week in January.
And the smug little shit (apologies, but I was losing it here) on hearing the pharse 'I am a full time painter' gave a patronising little smirk as if to say 'Yeah, of course you are...'
Well, you see, I am... And when I say 'full time' I mean 45-60 hours every week, even on the days where I had to attend funerals of friends and family.
And this - this - words fail me - was not only giving me the runaround, but was also finding it funny, that I make a my living (a comfortable one, he'll never know with that attitude and interpersonal skill set) working bloody hard, creating beautiful things which I hope will live on long after I'm gone.
So, I walked... I have just ordered the entire 480 paints I needed online and screw my local bricks and mortar supplier. Element Games can blow me!
This store is like a throwback to the bad (well, worst) days of G.W and the hobby doesn't need it.
This store is like a throwback to the bad (well, worst) days of G.W and the hobby doesn't need it.
On the other side of the coin, I was sorting through 800 Dixon Miniatures Samurai which arrived last week, getting them ready for painting in the New Year. I found that I was 22 models short and dropped the evergreen Trevor Dixon an email. Next day, Trevor called me to say that the models were in the post 'Special Delivery' and to check I had eveything I needed, such as weapons etc.
Outstanding service, and no doubt one of the reasons that Dixon Miniatures have been an industry stalwart for over 4 decades.
I've also been sorting through around 600 Perry ECW for an early Parliamentarian project and a wedge of Bloody Miniatures models for an ECW skirmish project.
Next up, I have to take a crash course on the 30YW and put together an order for 1000 pieces of the former Bohemian Miniatures 28mm range from Empress.
I am 10 days into my holiday already, but I have found some time to cmplete the second infantry platoon of my retro 80s sci-fi project, and a proof of concept vehicle.
Remember, I am trying to forget what I know now, and with this I 'm trying to be 14 years old again, when things like filling and fancy paint techniques were unknown or ignored. I think that the only way to really capture the feel is to really 'go for it' and I have to say that it's really giving an authentic feel. Moreover, it's a real pleasure to not have to worry about every seam and brush stroke as I do in my day job, but just get models painted and on the table, 'warts and all' whilst reliving a misspent youth:
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