Ratspike, Blood And Iron
As you may know, I am a big fan of fantasy art books, particularly the Mirage, Dragon's Dream and Paper Tiger imprints.
However, in the 80s Games Workshop published a couple which I had but which had to be movrd on as we fought to keep our heads above water after the loss of Dungeons & Starships in the late 90s.
The easier of the two to find at the high end of 'fairly priced' is Blood & Iron by Les Edwards who is a superb imagineer of the macabre:
Anyway, in one of those rare situations you sometimes find, I managed to bag both volumes at once yesterday, albeit at a 'brown trouser' price. But I reckon that after a really hard year in the studio, I deserve something a little special from me, to me this Christmas.
Now, I need to find the autographed invite to that 60th birthday bash. I know I have it somewhere...
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