Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Newark We Go...

 Well, this morning we are off to Partizan at Newark for some R&R. After all, what could be better after a week at the coal face of wargaming than to get a wargaming fix to help me relax as the televangelist types say.

I was pressing my ensemble just now (a cheeky mix of fabrics and textures in autumnal shades) and I said to the memsahib 'Did anything prepare you for 35 years of attending wargames shows?' knowing the answer, but loving the fact that the woman I love has been my constant companion for 35 years of my show attendances. In fact she is the only reason I would ever give up wargaming.

Kayte is probably one of the longest serving ladies in the hobby and I can only think of maybe two others who have been actively involved in the hobby for so long. I am a lucky man.

Last night things got a little sticky here at the Dark Tower when after watching one rollicking episode of Tour Of Duty, the memsahib had to stage an intervention to prevent me shopping for 'Nam figures today. My soul was saved by her swift decision to watch something else, and I am relieved she was there to prevent wallet carnage.

My wife has a long list of specific wants today, including a rather 'pro' list of paints which makes me - a veteran profesional painter - shudder with fear.

I'm hoping that Caliver Books will have printed me a few rule sets I wanted at the last minute for myself and a few friends who can't make the show this time.

Beyond that, I have a few Christmas presents to pick up and I'm also looking for anything which I can instantly integrate into my collection, especially fantasy stuff.

I do have a double special secret project on the drawing board, but as I am currently working with several manufacturers across the globe to see if it can be brought together successfully, so I'll tell you more as it develops as it's an expensive and somewhat technical thing to put together, so I want to have all the ducks lined up first...

Well, I better go and get ready, and prepare myself for and hour each way in a tin can of a lease car, which we've had since June whilst the trusty Volvo has been in the body shop after a little mishap . We'd hoped to have it back for Partizan - the look of things, right? - but after the work is actually done, Volvo then take it all apart and reassemble it as a quality control measure, so we are now hoping for next week - GRRRRR!



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