Of Flutes, Brick Walls & Boers

 I have hit a brick wall of sorts and it rather surprised me, in the way that a sparrow must experience when it collides with a pane of glass.

I have found that certain periods that I have always loved, are now actually making me feel a little uncomfortable.

I've been reading a lot of first hand accounts of the Vietnam War recently, for obvious reasons and it suddenly hit me that it really was a grubby affair with some terrible inhumanity running through it like the name of a seaside town through a stick of rock.

The result is that I've become rather 'turned off'  of the idea of gaming it again. I don't in all honesty think it's something I want to indulge in anymore. 

Ho hum...

On a brighter note, I have just ticked off my last 'bucket list' gig, by getting tickets to see Jethro Tull next year on their 7 Decades tour. I confess, I'd missed this originally, but a call here, a promise there, and tickets have been secured. The set list looks pretty good, and whilst it doesn't contain everything I'd have liked to have heard, it's a decent representative view of Tull down the years. And let's face it, whatever the line-up, you know it will be quality entertainment.

Happiness is watching a bloke with a beard, standing on one leg and playing a flute.

I spent the weekend working, clocking up 22 hours at my desk over two days and effectively breaking myself, so today I am taking it easy and doing prep' and admin stuff. I'll be head down at the grindstone again in the morning.

A pleasant surprise came with the post this morning when the advance copy of 'My Effin' Life' by Geddy Lee was delivered. Now I have to decide whether to read it before or after book launch evening, next month.

I'm mulling a few ideas for 2024 and my gaming, but on the whole, I'm still pretty settled with what I want to do. The new ECW cavalry from Bloody Miniatures arrived last week, and I have enough skirmish stuff now, to make a decent WRG army with, numbers-wise.

I'm currently thanking the gods of gaming that Warrior Miniatures are not operating, as I have a pang of nostalgia rising for some Gallia Miniatures 15mm Boer War stuff.  A rather disturbing situation as you may imagine.

Well, I must go and get on with some more prep'...



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