World War Three Revisited

 Having grown up in the shadow of the bomb, I have always had a taste for Cold War era (we called it 'Moderns', but apparently it's 'history' now) wargaming.

I played a fair number of 1/300 games but in recent years I fancied using a larger scale. Instinct said 20mm was the way, but then of course there are the lovely Team Yankee 15mm ranges from Battlefront which have visual impact with a slightly smaller footprint than 20mm.

The compressed groundscale in the rules is a bit of a shock to be sure, but I guess that if you were new to 'Modern' gaming, you'd just accept the fact that was the 'norm', so I guess I can refuse to let my inner grognard loose in a fit of rage. It is what it is and I shall put up with it.

Now, I will admit that I had resisted an urge to buy a couple of forces for a while, but, when the announcement was made that the Nordic countries were to be released, I saw the S-Tanks and all bets were off...

Now, I fully intend to paint any Swedish forces myself, but that's it. So, I was pleased to find a nicely turned out Russian force on eBay which admittedly cost £50 more than I would have liked. (because I am finally taking a leaf from the books of friends and being a bit 'tight', which I believe is supposed to be the default setting for Yorkshiremen, propaganda put about no doubt, by the Scots or Lancashire dissidents) But I bit the bullet and spent £320 in total:

I'm going to smarten the bases up and apply my trademark varnish layers and then it's off to the front it goes...

Well, if you will excuse me, another working day beckons, before I can settle down with a burrito and a few episodes of 'Soap' - that 70s classic.



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