All systems are go...

 Hi all,

Well, I hope you're enjoying Christmas?

Today, I'm off to watch the Grenoside Sword Dancers perform their Boxing Day dance, unique due to the fact that they dance it in clogs, of which I am a big fan and former wearer myself.

Then I'm off house hunting, ahead of the dismantrling of the games room in January. The nice quiet roads should make it quite good fun.

On Sunday, I got the majority of the table set up for the fantasy game tomorrow. There is much excitement as the old crew get together.

Here's a quick pic of the tables, sans the figures that one of the guys insists on bringing, despite my having a few thousand unused on the shelves and boxes. That said, they are all by my own company, so it'll be nice to see them all on the table.

Excuse the cards and markers. They are to help me in getting it all going across the 8 commands.

The ad hoc army of the exceedingly evil mage Mad Ferritt have made a probing attack on the Western border of the realm of King Leon XXXVI, an area with a rural human population as well as strong communities of halflings, Dwarves and a tribe of Centaurs. 

Fearing that the king will not be able to arrive in time, the local Baron, Lord Callop together with the infamous Bishop Bashir and Canon Fyre have mustered the local levies and nobles, aided by the non-human forces of the area, hoping to stem the advance of Mad Ferritt and his Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Goblins and Great Gnolls.

Rumours abound that foul and dark-hearted Men Of The East with mighty Elephaunts are moving to join Mad Ferritt and there is a hope that 1000 Knights under King Leon himself will ride to the aid of noble Lord Callop.

The goodly wizard Grim Alf of the 'Great Tower Of The Frikedellen Forest has thrown in his lot with the Dwarves and Halflings having been taking 3rd breakfast with Mayor Sackend at the village of Green Bottom when news arrived of the advancing evil horde.

As is tradition, a good lunch will be served at 'half time' to include roast pheasant, roast beef, baked ham, cheeses and assorted salads and pickles, all to be cooked this afternoon after I get back from my 'jollies'.


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