Bloody Typical...

 It is one of those not so curious twists of my accursed fate that I should becom ill on the first day of my Winter month-long holiday.

I rarely take to my bed, but the last two days have seen me in serious stomach pain, freezing cold and with a 'right bastard behind the eyes'. All this topped off with no appetite and a Bristol Stool Rating which frankly went off the chart on the first day, including one 'memorable' session where there was a considerable amount of clean, dilute blood.

I went to bed all fine and dandy on Tuesday, having watched 'Sharpes Eagle' and then "WHAMMO" I awoke in the morning in the arena of the unwell, where I have remained ever since.

Whilst I have only moderate pain in the head and am now feeling generally warmer and livelier, the stomach cramps and simulation of the evacuation of Saigon are actually getting worse. So, reluctantly, I fear a trip to the physick may be in order if I am to see in 2024 and avoid the cold hand of death.

I have never spent so long alseep during daylight hours and let me tell you, it's playing merry hell with my wargaming libido.

Imagine if you will, a box containing  over 300 freshly painted miniatures, sitting in the conservatory, unopened... This is truly unheard of. Historically, it would take a direct hit from a 25lb HE round to even slow me down, but this bug or whatever it is, has me at it's not so tender mercy and I feel like I am dying.

Christmas decorations have remained unlit lest I associate them with illness, and I have read 80 pages of 'Clubland' by Pete Brown whilst commoded. 

I pray this is not my 'Last Christmas'...


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