More Fantasy Enters The Dark Tower...

 Happy Easter to you all, from the Dark Tower, where there are no chocolate bunnies, eggs orindeed,  fluffy chicks (the Orcs in the lower levels, choke on them).

Earlier in the week, I reached out to my former friend Roger, but received a two line polite 'fuck off' reply. Such is life... And so off I jolly well fucked, and fucked off I shall now jolly well remain, because, you know... life is too short and I previously allowed my friendship and affection for Roger, to cut out several other older friends back in the Christmas of 2020.

I have since apologised to all those individuals, and will never repeat that mistake, nor will I allow myself to be made to be feel somewhat inadequate in the estimations of others who should know better.

Life is simply too short for teenage angst revisited.

End of lesson...

I'm enjoying day three of a 5 day extended Easter break, and we spent Friday in the Peak District, taking an excellent 5 course lunch, which was well worth the £124 including gratuity. I've been losing weight of late, and I am now down to the waist size I was when I was 28, so I doubly enjoy a trip to a decent restaurant.

The 1st quarter menus for 2024 at The Cavendish in the grounds of Chatsworth House are really good. my highlights were the daube of beef and the tahini and white chocolate torte.

We were amused to see that prawn cocktails and chicken Kievs were on the menu, but they were nothing like the fast food or Fanny Craddock era dishes at all. These were modern, high end takes on old school classics, and the number of people we say who gasped with delight when serves either or both, was wonderful to behold. 

Yesterday was spent with family and some of the family hounds, at the Bakewell Farmer's Market and latterly Stoney Middleton, taking some air and enjoying early Spring sunshine - Bliss!

This morning I was awake at 6AM and by 6:30 was showered, dressed and a half kilo lighter than yesterday - Hussah!

Then it was a 4 hour session of unwrapping, varnishing and sticking down several hundred more fantasy miniatures.

About two thirds were Chronicle/Grenadier sculpts of Orcs, Goblins and Kobolds, as well as Gnomes and Knights of Evil by Essex Miniatures, whilst the remainder were Oathmark plastic Goblins and Gripping Beast metal Dark Dwarves.

 You will have noted the gaps in the Gnome bases. Well, I have decided to increase the units in size, so I've left spaces for the reinforcements to be added in before finishing the bases.

I was just reflecting that I have not felt so alive and positive in a long time, and so, I've been grounding such enthusiasm by listening to the Power Windows album by Rush, a real lyrical tour de force in my humble opinion. I particularly love Middletown Dreams which resonates with me along with Analog Kid on the Signals album. I am coming to terms nicely with the state of the house what with the building work, and I'm sleeping better than I have in years, despite there being bare floorboards and plastered walls, with a single bulb and our bed to keep me company. Perhaps, I'm recalling the days of living in bedsits and scrabbling just to survive, and reengaging with the younger me, who knew how to have a good time with very little in terms of material possessions, or perhaps I'm just a lot more satisfied with who I am. Who can tell?

If you have any Chronicle Miniatures Wolf Riders, and wish to sell them, please reach out to me.

Well, if you will excuse me, I'll sign of for the present as I have to goo and look at websites filled with fantasy figures needing purpose in life...



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