It's Taken Over...
There's been lots of chatting both online and over the phone with fellow gamers this week, discussing the fantasy rules I'm wotking on and planning what we are all going to do in terms of historical and fantasy gaming.
It's been really great to repeatedly hear that friends are more into gaming than they have been in 20+ years.
I'm planning to wrap up my fantasy stuff by mid-2025 including the painting. I'm literally just buying the last few bits and pieces now, to fill out armies which, in a couple of cases have been steadily built up (well, piled up in unpainted piles) since 1982 - 1984!
I confess now, that the fantasy has taken over and historical is in the minority, albeit a healthy one.
My wife, very kindly bought me some birthday gifts a few months early after a fellow collector offered up a Ral Partha Imperial Dragon and Elf Chariot, both in boxes and in great condition, for a very reasonable $75 plus shipping from the U.S, which came out at less than £90!
I am very happy indeed, as you may imagine...
Well, I note that it's 6AM, so I better sign off as I have to do the weekly shop and then get to the hospital by 9AM.
Rock 'n' roll...
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