Kicked Into Activity Again...

 It's been an odd few days as I've had to take on board and process the passing of another gaming colleague, arguably one of the most influetial on me at a personal level, and someone whose shoes I could never step into, which given my natural arrogance, is quite an admission.

Although I wrote an obituary of Steve as a gamer, I barely touched upon his legacy, and was really pleased to see comments from other gamers across the U.K who knew him, which was most satisfying. 

I decided this weekend to spend a bit of time in my games room, to kick myself up the arse and at the same time lose myself in thoughts a little less maudlin than I had in the last few weeks.

To this end, I ignored the window which is inflicting itself upon me, by blocking the right hand walkway, and set up the table, using some tiered boards I had been threatening to make for a while but not been industrious enough to complete. The idea worked and I can now raise the ground level with more than just the odd hill.

I also got to play with the Hudson & Allen roads at last, and I'm pretty happy with how they look:

In the foreground to the left of the King's Road are the Meeting Grounds with Gallow Tree Hill to the right, then the villiage of Ferkit, with the Holy Well Of St. Pancreatitis The Discomforted and the chapel and graveyard atop Church Hill.

I also spent more than I really wanted to, given my recent expansion of my fantasy collection and spent £250 on a lovely set of the classic Grom's Goblin Guard:

 It's taken me 40 years to realise that the standard top, makes a V for victoy sign whilst the unit is advancing, but a rather rude one as they rout...

Well, time for another week at the coalface of creativity.



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