Random Musings And Great Finds...

 It's a busy trime here at Fackham Hall, as I finish my work for the year ahead of a month off, where I have as little contact with my studio as possible, and attempt to visit some really good restaurants.

But first, there's the matter of attending the last Recon to be held at Pudsey Civic Hall, before those near sighted arseholes at Leeds City Council, do away with what for me, has been a great venue to attend shows at, for over 40 years.

The memsahib's not been well, so I'm crossing my fingers we can make it.

I was listening to the latest Grognard Files podcast today, and like my friend Roger, expected great things as they discussed the year in role playing for 1984 with a guest, who just frothed about his diary and Fighting Fantasy which was around before '84 and although a game changer for many kids who had trouble getting interested in books was hardly the highlight of that great year. Roger had signalled that it was a poor show, and so, doubting his dubious opinions on the past, I listened immediately.

He was right...

Now, as we have been hearing for the last few posts (yes, I was there first with 1984, so there, Dirk & Blythy) '84 was a stonker of a year for gaming and my part in it, so I could probably, no, definitely have brought more to the table for discussion, but I never get invited - although they did read from my book a few years ago, so I forgive them their oversight. Their loss was The Yarkshire Gamer's gain!

I'm getting quite into the idea of Warhammer 30K with the internicine war and older marks of Space Marine armour. I think it has 'legs' which given my historical disregard for the game beyond the first year or so it was out, and my disdain and distrusts of Games Workshop, no, rather hatred, is pretty damned amazing.

I'm sytill mulling what my next purchases will be for the 2025 gaming season, but it's going to be eclectic and possibly my last year of stupid spending, so thought and planning are the watchwords.

Speaking of GW, I realised the other day that without the (rescinded in 1988) life ban from Games Workshop Sheffield, and all of the emotional harm and 25 years of screaming nightmares it led to, I would never have met my wife. So, I suppose it was all worth it in the big picture, but that said, adults treating a teenager as they did is fucking bang out of order, and I trust they may one day reflect and redden with shame, perhaps whilst looking lovingly at their own offspring.

But, what of my purchases?

Well, apart from some dubious American comedy series boxed sets from the States - I present 'Joanie Love Chachi' for the consideration of the court and ask for several other shows to be taken into consideration, I bagged a copy of Encounter 2, in pretty good condition for that low price of £20.

Now this one really takes me back to my earliest days at SWS and, was stocked in GW Sheffield too - Well, they got something right at least.

I had the pleasure of playing this in 2015 with John Armatys at SWS and it still held up as a solid and fun system for 'corridor fights' on board starships. So, I'm really looking forward to it arriving.

If you are thinking that it looks crap, then screw you! That dodgy artwork and yellow A5 format stood out and as with many products back in the day, it was content and the love put into it which counted.

Anyway, I liked it and it's given me lots of great memories to hang onto, at a time when we are under the threat of being nuked again...




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