Why Is Fantasy A Four Letter Word?

I fear that this may just be a bit of a rant, so buckle yourself into your +2 plate mail and move your vorpal blade to a safe distance.

Done that? Than I shall begin.

I have been a fantasy player as long as I've been a player of historical wargamers. To me they are both enjoyable, and in some cases you can take a historical army and cross it over into fantasy service, thus getting 2-4-1 coverage for your money.

I have noticed in well over 40 years now, that historical gamers can get a little sniffy, if not downright bitchy about those who play fantasy themed games. Why?

I have at times had to listen to people who are generally pretty decent human beings, froth, foam and ejaculate like a 3rd rate 30s Fascisti about the heresy and wrongness (in their opinion) of fantasy wargamers, whilst equally vigorously defending and espousing those fine historical wargames they (as right-minded gamers dont'cha know) indulge in.

News flash, you wankers: We all play with little metal dollies (as do those perverts who buy plastic figures - dont trust them). The fact that you believe that painting Napoleonics makes you in some way superior and resident of some wargaming ivory tower is deluded. 

Personally I can't bring myself to trust the kind of gamer who gives me the feeling they may perhaps, have a shrine to David Chandler in the basement  over which they spill their seed in some foul and perverse fetishism.

That said, neither can I abide the fantasy gamer who will passionately argue that a figure must be a City Elf because Wood Elves are a tad shorter. They should equally not be trusted, particularly around bookshelves containing copes of Tolkein's writings - they invariably see them as some kind of holy book.

But, not for one moment would I say that one kind of gamer is superior to another. Both types are probably dysfunctional and on the autism scale to some degree. As I play with a foot in both camps, I am of course, damned for all eternity and of course cannot be criticized by either side, so, you'll have to make an unholy alliance to accuse me of wargaming blasphemy, won't you my poor dears?

Many veteran historical gamers have a literal skeleton in the cupboard when it comes to fantasy - or as they will defend it - 'Sword & Sorcery'. There were plenty of rules and fantasy ranges before Warhammer (NB: If you have only ever lived in a time of Warhammer, then I pity and despise you and you are dead to me - Just go...) and you'd be surprised how many players of Ancient and Medieval gamers played fantasy games using Lidless Eye or so re-jigged WRG set, now conveniently glossed over as they sneer at the deluded bastards who prefers Orcs to 'Ussars.

Sometimes, you can find pictures of them doing it in old wargames mags. If so, it can be funny to be able to point this out to them in company and watch them go red, fume quietly and stomp off.

In the last 18 months or so, I have increasingly found myself having to defend my gaming credibility as I've been 'head down' collecting and digging out old school fantasy, in an attempt to finally get my collection to the place I wanted it in 1984. 

It's cost me a serious figure (yes, my wife is fully aware of the exact cost...) and is something I am justly proud of, not to mention as pleased as Punch about. 

But, I also find myself having to buy increasingly (and sometimes pointlessly) large historical armies because, the fantasy collection is around 6000 figures... I feel guilty that I am not showing the 'right' amount of dedication to historicals, because of peer pressure to be a 'serious' gamer.




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