A Cautionary Tale
This weekend I was browsing social media when I saw a call for help from a gamer here in the UK who was trying to get in touch with Richard Williams of Manticore Painting. I knew of Mr Williams as he'd frequented a couple of groups I also lurk in and I'd heard rumours that he was upsetting a few people in deals. Now I could not confirm this, but it seemed plausible given that it transpired that the gentleman in question (whom I shall refer to as B.H henceforth) had sent Mr Williams figures and money over five months ago and had or heard nothing thereafter. Now, I'd helped out another fellow last year with a similar issue and so, as I had nothing to do inbetween coats of varnish I managed to setup a 3-way conversation with myself as mediator. B.H was being very, very fair and asked that Mr W. supply photos of the ongoing work. Mr W. was evasive and so a deadline was drawn for the matter to be taken further in the small claims courts. All Mr W. had to do was...