'You Can't Beat The Classics' & Other Weekend Mumblings About Pipe Tobacco, Bugbears & Prog' Rock Legends.
Greetings all! I want to begin by sending sincere birthday wishes to Roger for Sunday. Happy birthday sir! Now, onto the main event as it were... As I've written before, I am now at the 'polishing' stage of my fantasy project and so, I'm looking for those odd units which add 'flavour' to the proceedings and really hark back to a time when there were not these ridiculous, single-race, insipid armies. With this in mind, I started looking at the Ral Partha Legacy ranges which still have some of the most imaginative models, almost 45 years after I first found them in the cabinets of Games Workshop, brought to life by the talented brush of Pete Armstrong. Elven Knights on giant bees... Fairies riding Muntjack deer... Titans in classical Greek armour... Bugbears, bandy-legged and saucer-eyed... Bring them all on! I also had a look at the venerable Hinchcliffe fantasy ranges, available once again from Mike over at Broadsword Miniatures, and I was drawn to what I thin...