Asgard Dragon - Unboxing & Capsule Review
Yesterday, the first of two limited edition 'Asgard Dragon' models arrived from Alternative Armies, and I thought it'd be fun to do a bit of an unboxing article. The original dragon was sculpted by Nick Bibby, most famously renowned for the Great Spined Dragon produced by Citadel in the 80s. The Asgard Dragon predates that, but you can clearly draw a lineage in the design. Alternative Armies have produced a run of just 200 models, weighing half a kilo each. They've retooled the joints, improved the definition of the scales and reinforced the wing membranes, making this model more than just a re-issue of a tired mould. I never bothered with this model back in the day, something I regretted until last week, when a friend, taking a break inbetween working on a well regarded fantasy TV series and sunning himself in a tropical paradise, asked whether he should buy the AA edition. I said that he should and that indeed I would do likewise. The box bears a beautiful line illus...